Maureen Paley is pleased to present its first solo exhibition by Michael Landy. This coincides with the publication by The Paragon Press of the ‘Nourishment Portfolio’ (12 etchings with title page and box in an edition of 37). These will be shown together with a special grouping of etchings in edition of six. In this first exhibition since his Artangel intervention Breakdown, Landy has embarked on a series of etchings of weeds. Resilience and strength are represented in these fragile images of natural growth. In most cases the weeds depicted are abandoned or removed in the urbanscape, only to continue to flourish and thrive in this adversity.
”Shepherd’s Purse takes its name from the distinctive shape of the seedpods, which resemble purses once carried by shepherds. This annual plant produces tiny white flowers with four petals, which mature into heart-shaped seedpods, when the pods are ripe they break open and release small brown sticky seeds. The alternative name of ‘mother’s heart’ given to the plant derives from a trick played by children. An unwitting child would be asked to pluck a seedpod, and when it broke open, he would be accused of breaking his mother’s heart. Just walk along the street and you will discover Shepherds Purse growing in narrow cracks in the pavement, amongst the sweet wrappers, cigarette stubs and fizzy drinks cans. These street flowers need very little soil or nourishment to prosper; they can survive the most hostile urban landscape, by being highly adaptable to their surroundings.”
Special thanks to Charles Booth-Clibborn and the Hope Sufferance Press.